Some when I was told that the provider that I was doing the work programme through was going to change, but it wasn't clear when. This isn't the top layer but the people that I see. That is when I see them. My adviser said that I need not go in, but send a report about what I'd been up to every four weeks on my day. If there was something I thought they could help me with then I could get in contact. On Monday I received a text:
From ***, Please be advised all Fortnightly Review appointments have been cancelled. You will be contacted in the future with your next appointment.
I didn't know who *** were, but after internet search I realised it was my work programme provider.
Today I received a letter dated 30th May saying as of 31st May I was transferred to another provider and that until that date I could contact my original provider. It is 4th June today. AND yesterday I received a call from the new provider. They asked if I was still on Job Seeker's Allowance, I said no.... surely they have basic information? So I have an appointment on Monday. I don't know if one to one or in a group. I forgot to ask, but I would like to know. I know the building has lifts etc, to make it accessible, a huge plus from the other provider's impossible building. But they can't tell me what sort of lighting they have [for the one or two photosensitive souls such as I]
Expect an update next week.
I still wonder how much money the two tiers of organisations get for having me on their books doing nothing in particular.