Wednesday, 4 June 2014


Some when I was told that the provider that I was doing the work programme through was going to change, but it wasn't clear when. This isn't the top layer but the people that I see. That is when I see them. My adviser said that I need not go in, but send a report about what I'd been up to every four weeks on my day. If there was something I thought they could help me with then I could get in contact. On Monday I received a text:

From ***, Please be advised all Fortnightly Review appointments have been cancelled. You will be contacted in the future with your next appointment.

I didn't know who *** were, but after internet search I realised it was my work programme provider.
Today I received a letter dated 30th May saying as of 31st May I was transferred to another provider and that until that date I could contact my original provider. It is 4th June today. AND yesterday I received a call from the new provider. They asked if I was still on Job Seeker's Allowance, I said no.... surely they have basic information? So I have an appointment on Monday. I don't know if one to one or in a group. I forgot to ask, but I would like to know. I know the building has lifts etc, to make it accessible, a huge plus from the other provider's impossible building. But they can't tell me what sort of lighting they have [for the one or two photosensitive souls such as I]

Expect an update next week.
I still wonder how much money the two tiers of organisations get for having me on their books doing nothing in particular.

1 comment:

  1. They ought to have basic information available to them, the jobcentre can share any information it has on the claimant with the provider (barring any legal exemptions). I think you may have grounds for disability discrimination if they can't at least tell you what lights are in use and other information. As someone who needs to know, this information is something a provider ought to make an effort to provide. If you aren't happy with the premises when you go along, you can look into complaining about it under the disability discrimination rules. Good luck with your new provider.
